March 31, 2014
Isaboth was baptized! Elder Holt did
the baptism (2 times. Forgot the word "yo" the first time). I did the
confirmation the next day. I`ve never confirmed anyone before. Neat :)
There were a lot of members of
Isaboth`s extended family who came, which is really awesome :) I have photos
for next week. I was pretty stressed out about the whole thing because of all
the preparation during the day to get the font filled (it takes well over 5
hours to fill). We forgot about the papers that we needed to fill out so the Zone
leaders were filling out the form with Isaboth. The branch president and I had
a miscommunication and we each thought that the other was going to organize the
program (no one had been assigned to speak and the hymns hadn`t be selected).
Lots of people trickled in late and with all this chaos, we started the meeting
about 40 minutes late.
But everything went well. Isaboth
and her family were completely calm the whole time while I was a bit stressed.
Isaboth was beaming the whole time :) She`s excited for the branch temple trip
in June or July. We visited their house after the baptism and we got to answer
some questions that family members had. They`re a really nice family. When
Isaboth asked about all her female ancestors for whom she could be baptized,
Sandra`s sister was really confused and I was so grateful that I knew how to
answer. I`m so grateful for the scripture guides in back that told me exactly
where Paul talked about baptism for the dead and I`m so grateful that the
spirit reminded me the whole context of the scripture (Paul was using baptisms
for the dead to teach about the resurrection. The people already accepted baptisms
for the dead but didn`t believe that everyone would resurrect). I`m so excited
to see more progress in the family.
I`m so ridiculously excited for
General Conference!!! I think conference in itself is a miracle that people are
willing to watch 10 hours of conference every 6 months. It`s so awesome!!!
Miriam and Sandra both said they want to attend and Sandra invited her sister
We`ve met lots of interesting people
this week. One I think was a mason (based on the painting of a pyramid with an
eye in his house and the way he explained the symbol). He is really smart, but
then he said that we needed to be our own savior and that God doesn`t have a
body of flesh and bone. Sure, we can`t be saved if we don`t do our part, but
it`s only by and through Christ that repentance and salvation is possible. One
was a very friendly Jehovah`s Witness who spoke English, and a taxi driver who
understood dispensations, the Godhead, priesthood (it was he who mentioned
Melquizidec (I think I butchered the spelling on that one)), and the need of a
restoration from apostasy, but he didn`t accept the Book of Mormon simply
because it calls the Savior by the name Jesus Christ instead of Yhachua. (I
studied that a bit more. Yhachua is the same name as Joshua, which is Jesus in
Greek). He was so smart, so I was frustrated that he didn`t accept the
invitation to pray about the Book of Mormon.
I`m amazed how much the Lord has
prepared me with such a testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and in
His true church that these smart people didn`t faze me. I understood where they
each came from with their opinions, but I know that The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints is Christ`s church. I know that this was restored through
Joseph Smith, a true prophet of God and I know that the book he translated, the
Book of Mormon, is the most correct book on the face of the Earth. It is only
through the Atonement of Christ that we can be saved.
The whole thing made me think of
what Elder Ballard said, "I`m grateful that it`s a loving and merciful
Heavenly Father who will decide who will or will not be admitted to His
kingdom." I may have misquoted that. You can check me on that (from
"Our Search for Happiness")
Well.... that was a lot longer than
I thought it would be. I guess my letter to President Rappleye will be very
short to day.
I love you all so much :D Keep being
charitable to one another. :D Make sure you know that the Book of Mormon is
-Elder Connor Christopherson
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